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Install using interactive prompt
curl -SsL > install.php && php install.php; rm -r install.php
Quiet installation
curl -SsL > install.php && php install.php; rm -r install.php -- --quiet
Installation into a specific directory
curl -SsL > install.php && php install.php; rm -r install.php -- /destination/directory
"Work in progress"

We are currently looking at making the installation and update processes more user-friendly and support composer create-project command.


Update to the latest version
ahoy update-scaffold
Update to the specific commit
ahoy update-scaffold cb9979b2c10c59d52874be4661e9331b01d9b7c5

If you have modified any of the files that are managed by DrevOps Scaffold, the update will override them. You would need to re-apply your changes. This is because DrevOps Scaffold is not aware of the changes you have made (and this is a good thing because you don't want to have your changes overwritten by mistake without a proper review).